Huong pepper, Cam pepper, Three letter or Ban pepper are the names of the banana variety typical of Hue region in many ancient bibliographies.
For residents living in Southeast Asia, banana trees and banana products are always closely connected. Particularly with the Vietnamese people, few who did not grow up with the image of a bunch of bananas offered to their ancestors on festivals and taboos. Those who do not associate childhood with the image of a banana as a delicious food have ever tasted, as well as the image of a banana melon dish in difficult daily meals in childhood. Or more simply a banana leaf train packed with food, a “dining table” with banana leaves spread on the ground of mischievous children every summer summer.
In the perspective of Hue people, bananas have many different varieties, but it can be said that, with its unique climate and nerve, banana pepper is always classified as the most delicious by both flavors and medicinal properties. . That is why, with the ancient Hue people, whenever visiting each other, or visiting the sick … they always choose to be a gift of pepper.
The scientific nomenclature is Musa basloo Sieb. Et Zucc, Banana Pepper contains a lot of nutrients such as Caroten, Calcium, Magnesium, Kalium … with vitamins C, B1, B2 which are very beneficial to health.
Huong Tieu Banana Cake by Nguyen Trieu is the result of the refined and processed process of highly trained engineers. With the advanced technology imported from Europe, the principle of products associated with clean and indigenous raw materials, Nguyen Trieu would like to introduce to you our bakery products originating from the typical tree species in the countryside of Hue.
Enjoy the Pepper cake, the space around you will hide the shape of the homeland.
Is pleased to introduce to customers.